Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good-Bye Nick Mag!

The current issue of Nickelodeon Magazine is THE FINAL ISSUE! This is very sad news that has been circulating around the comics community for several months, but it tears at my heartstrings thinking of all the kids who read Nick Mag who just learned the news when the issue hit the stands.

This is a somewhat bittersweet event for me, however, because this issue also sees my first (and only!) publication within the magazine! I wrote a SpongeBob comic that is actually the first comic in the issue! Here is an excerpt so you'll know what to look for:

Art by Gregg Schigiel, Jeff Albrecht, Comicraft, and Wes Dzioba

The issue is packed full of fun comics by the likes of Chris Duffy, Alec Longstreth, Mark Martin, Sam Henderson, as well as a few little "good bye" features to mark the occasion. I recommend everyone go out to their local spot to pick up finer magazines and check it out!


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